Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shark Reseachers Study Oil Impact

The oil spill has been effecting the sharks very dramatically. Reacher Niel Hammerschlag, who has been studing sharks for a decade now, is tagging sharks in the Gulf to see their migratory and behavioral patterns. Sharks are pretty much at the top of the food chain and they pretty much eat everything under them, if they never touch the oil something they might eat might of been hurt by the oil. This will make the sharks die because they won't be eating as much. The way that sharks breathe is they "take in the water, the water goes over their gills and they extract out the oxygen." So if the sharks are in the oil it will be extremely hard for them to breathe. In the Gulf there are spots where people are not allowed to fish, because we don't want the people to get sick. If we don't get this oil cleaned up soon who knows what will happen to all the sharks.
I think that it is a horrible thing that happened in the Gulf. Also it is pretty cool to see how some people are taking things into their own hands, and making sure that we are doing everything that we can, to try and see if the sharks are being effected by the oil. Its very interesting to see that if one thing gets damaged in a food chain how the rest of it will be effected. I hope that we can have the oil cleaned up fast so the food chain will be able to go back to normal!
1. What is the name of the guy who is tagging these sharks?
2. How long has he been studing sharks?
3. How do sharks breathe?
4. What do you think we can do to help these sharks?