There has been a discovery of 200 new species of plants and animals in the forests of Papua New Guinea. They have found different versions of animals and plants, but they have also found new never before seen plants and animals. For the Conservalion International (CI) this just goes to show you that everything still hasn't been discovered on Earth. Yellow-spotted frog, Ceratorbrachid frog, Emerald-green katydid, and Sharp-legged katydid were some of the new discoveries that they found. The sharp-legged katydid has sharp legs on the top of its head and jabs all of its predators, as a deffense mechanism. Loggers and oil palm producers pose a threat on the wildlife here. If they do pose a threat the CI would like to save at least 25% of the plants and animals.
I think that this is a really cool thing, I thought that they knew everything that was on this earth, but I guess you will always be able to find new species. That is a very cool way that the katydid can fight off its predators that way it won't get eaten. I also hope that the loggers and oil palm producers do not effect the forest, I'm sure that some of these areas have never seen humans before and it would be really bad if we messed up their habitat.
1. Where did they find these new species?
2. Name two of the four species that were listed.
3. How does the sharp-legged katydid fight off its preadators?
4. What percent of the forest do they want to save?