Monday, December 13, 2010

Thank God for the Military

Because people are constantly attacking fuel convoys, the military are frantically looking for ways to promote more newer energy sources. Solar powered and energy conservers are important, and the marines are going to be the first ones to actually take them into battle. The gonverment has put renewable resources on hold because of recession but the military is speeding it back up. Fossil Fuels are becoming more and more of a liability, and as renewable resources are becoming less and less expensive its easier to put them in place. In Afghanistan fuel trucks are just sitting ducks for bombing and its becoming harder and harder just to try and protect them. By 2020 the plan is to have half of the Navy and Marine resources to come from renewable. "Fossil fuel accounts for 30 to 80 percent of the load in convoys into Afghanistan, bringing costs as well as risk. While the military buys gas for just over $1 a gallon, getting that gallon to some forward operating bases costs $400." Last year the Navy introduced the first hybrid vessal and the Air force will have their entire fleet carried out on biofuel by next year.
1) Do you think what the military is doing is good?
2) If you were part of the military is this something you would put in place
3) How much is getting one gallon of gas to operating bases cost?
4) What year does the military plan to have 50% of their resources renewable?
Response: I'm so glad that someone has realized what they are doing and are really trying to change it. Though the change may have come from a nessesity rather than their own choices, but it still is a change in the right direction. I think this will really effect everyone in the right way, maybe have an influence on everyone that will change the world.