Monday, September 13, 2010

Population Increase From Unauthorized immigrants

Unauthorized population would soar if birthright citizenship repealed.


If the US took away the citizenship for US born children of unathorized immigrants the population would increase at minimum of 5 million over the next 10 years. Even if we completley stoped illegal immigration these numbers would still add up. When the passage of House-introduced Birthright Citizenship Act ( the deny of citizenship to children who were born from unauthorized immagrants), was over looked it showed that it would increase from 10.8 million to 16 million by 2050. It was also found that in 2050 the share of US children that are unautherized would double from .02 (now) to .04 (2050). Other cases would be denying citizenship to a child who has 1 unautherized parent. By the third generation, 6.3 million US born people would be unauthorized even with two of there parents being authorized because of the birthright citizenship act. "What is less commonly understood in the current debate is that repeal of birthright citizenship would set in motion the creation of a self-perpetuating class of unauthorized immigrants," said reports coauthor, Michael Fix.

Opinion / Reflection:

I really had no idea about how much the birth rate of immagrents could expand. It Suprised me to see how many unauthrized US born people there could be in 2050. What i never really thought about and looked at in the long run was how by the third generation a child could have two US born parents but still be unauthorized.

Questions: (3-5)

1 - What is the act called that is denying citizenship to illegal immigrant children who are born in the US?

2 - By how much will the percent of unauthorized children be in 2050?

3 - What was the other case in which children still are unautherized?

4 - By the next decade how much will the nation expand by in unauthorized people at least?


  1. That was a shocking article, to say the least! Who knew that there were that there will be that many immigrants! I don't really think that the Birthright Citizenship act is fair, because you can't blame a child for their parents or understand the consequences for actions that weren't even theirs! I really wonder what it's going to be like in 2050.
    1. The Birthright Citizenship Act
    2. 0.04
    3. If you have 1 unautherized parent
    4. 5 million

  2. Just like Briana said, it is shocking that so many illegal immigrants have children! I belive that the Birthright Citizens act could change (at least a little). For example, how about you let the child become a citizen, but force the parents to become citizens, etc. In my opinion, that ould at least solve the immigrant problem.

    Now for answers!
    1. Birthright Citizenship Act
    2. It would double from 0.02 to 0.04
    3. If you had 1 unautherized parent.
    4. The minimum it would increase is about 5 million.

  3. I also am very shocked by how many illegal immagrants there are, and how quickly the population will expand if we let all of the US born ones be citzens. It is very interesting to know that if your parents were born in the US and their parents weren't, that you are considered an illegal immagrant. When I hear the immagrants I think of a show called Border Wars. This is a show about people from mexico and all these different ways that they try and sneek into the country. What I don't understand is why they can't just come in the regular way and become US citzens?

    1.Birthright Citzenship Act
    2.It would double to be .04
    3.They will be unautherized with 1 parent will expand to be 5 million

  4. opinion/reflection
    I had no idea that the unauthorized immigrant children would change our population so much. I never thought it would make much of a difference in our total population. I did not know that I child of two US born parents could be considered an authorized immigrant.

    Answer one of the quetions
    (1) House-introduced Birthright Citzenship Act
