Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Worlds Bees are Disappearing?


Environmentalists all over the world are trying to figure out as to why the number of honeybees, our number one pollinator, is disappearing. This is not only happening in the United States, but also in England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, and Japan.

Over the past twenty years, more than one million hives have mysteriously disappeared, and this number is still decreasing today. Although many might not worry for after all you would not get stung as often, this is a serious matter. According to Albert Einstein, without bees, the Earth would not last more than four years. Although the blue planet we call "home" will not completely parish, we would lose a very important insect, vital to the human food chain. Without them, there would be no flowers, nuts, fruits, etc.

Even worse, in less deveoped countries, which depend on natural polination would begin to lower in numbers, for there would be no bees to polinate the plants and continue "creating" more, therfore stopping the production of new fruits/vegetables, putting the countries at risk for starvation. Many people do not know how, and why they are disappearing, although there are a few with thoeries. Some scientists believe that they are living in unhealthy conditions, with lice/mites, and large amounts of heat. However, there are others who claim the radiation of cell phones mess with their "internal guiding systems" which ensure the bee gets back to the hive. There are studies in which a cell phone was placed near a hive, and bees that have left would not return, being unable to find their way back.

Response: I believe that this is horrible, for without them, there would be no vegetarians, no herbivores, etc. I am glad that scientists are conducting studies in order to learn the cause of their disappearance, so that we may be able to stop them, before we have to risk the extinction of one of natures most important animals.

1. By how much has the number of bees decreased?
2. Why may cellphones be the cause of their disappearance?
3. Why are bees so important?
4. How long would the Earth last without bees?
5. What would happen to the less developed countries?


  1. I never really knew how big of a part the bees played in our food chain. This article just goes to show you that when you take one thing away from the food chain, everything will suffer. It is also very interesting to me that cell phones can make bees loose their sence of direction.
    I have found another picture of the bees polanating a flower:

  2. There are things that this world needs to survive, and it looks as though bees are one of them. I don't know exactly what will happen to the earth, but it certainly doesn't look good. i just wonder what I could do to help this serious issue. Maybe if we make more artifical hives and let them out into areas that are in need for them. I just hope that something will be done.

    My question:
    What is it that we can do to help?

  3. Reading this summary i have noticed this too. I remember a couple years ago there were alot of bees and i always hated to go outside because i was afraid i would get stung. Now i hardley see and bees and i didn't relize how much we need them. I could live with bees around me, but i couldn't live withought the things they provide for us to use and eat.

    1. by one million
    2.Because of the radiation messes up their internal guiding system.
    3. Bees help pollinate things like fruit, flowers and nuts.
    4. 4 Years
    5. Theses countries would go down in numbers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. No more than 4 years if bees were extinct? Wow, that really shouts out to the world that we should save the bees. Think about it, if you don't already agree. No more bright fruits or green vegetables. Not even a golden yellow apple to be found anywhere. Our main source of vitamin C, which is essential to us, would be gone. Many plants will die, and our world wouldn't be as colorful either. We should defintely save the bees.
    Maybe we can make a reserve for bees, just like endangered animals, where cell phones need to be shut off. Or we could track a few bees and see if they really do lose their internal sense of direction from a cell phone's radiation, and if that is the case, scientists should look into different ways to make cell phones or possibly make an entirely new way of communication. These ideas will most likely take years to make, but we can plant more flowers, or maybe even an entire garden.

  6. This is terrible but there are plants that will pollinate the by wind such as wheat. The earth has withstood lost of different species before and will adapt again. It will mean the lost of plants we like to eat. The bad side is that the earth could not support the human population at the current levels.The bees are like the canaries in the mines. Would we change are cell phone uses and pollution to save bees?
    1)one million hives
    2)becuse cell phones messes with the internal guiding systems
    3)thy pollonate flowers, nuts, fruits, etc.
    5)a highter risk of starvation
