Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweden Using the Power of Waste


The city of Kristianstad in Sweden "essentially use no oil, natural gas or coal to heat homes and businesses, even during the long frigid winters." This city is an epicenter for agriculture, and
so, they produce energy from many different objects, such as potato peels and even pig intestines. Stale cookies too! A power plant uses a biological process to turn the waste into a form of methane,
called biogas, which is then refined to fuel cars or burned to create electricity and heat. Soon enough, the city of Kristianstad started burning and refining gas from landfills and sewage ponds.
In Kristianstad, there are many biogas plants, but in the United States, they are rare, with only around 151 of these types of plants, and they mostly use manure too. Even in Germany, there are about 5,000 biogas plants.There are so little of these biogas plants in the United States because costs are too high and not many places to sell this biogas to, which is caused by people not creating enough energy for residents.
Biogas still gives off about the same amount of emissions as natural gas, but biogas can be used for fuel, heat, and even electricity while natural gas is mainly used for fuel and heat
ing. Coal is our main source of electricity, but switching to biogas could reduce emissions by more than half, since 51% of our electricity is made with coal. Biogas saves money too. Kristianstad uses about $3.2 million a year to heat buildings in contrast to the $7 million it would of spent without biogas. Also, they did not need to buy half a million
dollars worth of fuel.
Although vehicles would need to be changed in order for it to run on biogas fuel, it reduces the amount of oil needed.

People have already started using waste as a source of energy. This is great, since Kristianstad uses almost no oil, natural gas, or coal too. They do not need to buy and import sources of energy/fuel anymore, which also saves money. I think this is great, using things such as potato peels and even stale cookies to produce energy, fuel, and even heat for everyone. It reduces the amount of waste in landfills and uses sewage waste from ponds, which stop more water pollution. On the other hand, it still gives off emissions that are about the same as naturals gas. Other sources of energy, such as solar power, do not give off much emissions, but this process reduces waste. Natural gas, though, produces the least amount of emissions when compared to oil and coal, which is good. Overall, I think this is a great way to get energy.
  1. Where is biogas being used as a main source of energy?
  2. About how many biogas plants are there in the United States?
  3. The emissions for biogas is about the same as...?
  4. How much money did this city save for heating?
  5. Do you think people would be willing to buy another car that is compatible with biogas fuel?


  1. This is a great idea for the US to invest into, and we should look further into it. I think that the biofuels that germany uses is amazing seeing as they also use solar panels to power too. The US should look towards Germany as a role model and invest in ways to be more like it.
    Here is a website that can link you to any other information about biofuel that you need to know.

  2. I knew that peels from food and leftovers of different products could be used for energy but i never thought it could be used for a whole country. I believe the biogas plant is a great idea for an energy resource. Although it still lets off polution it is much less than other fossil fuels and is one of the cleaner types of energy. It also seems a great idea because it lets off the same pollution as natural gas which is not that bad but can be used for fuel, heating and electricity.
    2.151 types of this plant.
    3.Natural Gas
    4.3.8 million
    5. If people understood how it could help our enviorment more i believe they would buy it.

    here is a picture on how biogass plants work,r:4,s:0

  3. This is neat, but it does not seem to factor in the cost that is incurred to convert fuel burning devices to biogas, the cost of building power plants to get the energy, as well as the cost of the raw material that may be needed to get that energy. It also does not seem to factor in the time, money and energy that is required to build the biogas plants. The cost and energy needed to convert the plants to making biogas, and obtain the raw materials could be higher then burning coal and gas. The other problem with using this type of fuel in the United States as a main energy source is that farms keep decreasing in size and number, so the amount of biological waste is also decreasing. This means that the amount of fuel we could obtain from these sources is also decreasing.
    1. Kristianstad, Sweden
    2. The United States has about 151 of these biogas plants.
    3. The emissions from burning biogas are about the same as for natural gas.
    4. The city of Kristianstad has saved about 3.8 million dollars by using biogas to heat its buildings. Plus it has not had to spend about half a million dollars for the fuel to do it.
    5. Yes, I think people would be willing to buy a car that used biogas, if it saved them money and if biogas becomes more used in the US.

  4. This is really cool! We should really invest in this technology, and hopefully our dependency on fossil fuels will be reduced, until we will not need them at all. However, we would need to invest large amount of money in order to create large amounts of biogas plants.

    1. Kristianstad, Sweden
    2. about 151
    3.the same as natural gas
    4. the city has saved over 3.8 million dollars
    5.Yes, if they saved enough money and biogas would be more used in the US

  5. I think that this is a great money saver!!! Also we would be using one source of energy instead of two to heat, fuel, and give electricity to our homes. Who knew that you could create an alternative energy from stale cookies.

    1. Kristianstand, Sweden
    2. About 151
    3. Buring this is like burning natural gas
    4. Kristianstand would save 3.8 million dollars
    5. Yes, because they would be saving money and everyone loves to save money!
