Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Path

A proposed plan to build a oil pipeline from Alberta, Canada to the western coast of that nation could put pristine Canadian western coastline in environmental danger. An oil company wants to use the pipeline to carry 525,00 barrels of oil to the coast line daily for overseas oil export. Environmentally, this pipeline poses a risk because it will pass through watersheds that are important to the Canadian commercial fishing industry and go right by both Coastal First Nations lands and the Great Bear Rainforest. The Great Bear Rainforest is a protected coastal region that contains red cedars, spruce, and the rarely seen all-white "spirit bear." Although the proposed pipeline does not go through the Great Bear Rainforest, it places this protected habitat in danger because to get to the pipeline terminal oil tankers would have to pass through “treacherous waters, with tremendous currents”, according to an environmental organization which assessed the environmental risks of this plan. The pipeline would threaten not just the lives of the plants and animals in the rainforest, but the lives of the Coastal First Nation people who live in or nearby the rainforest and depend on the food it supplies for their livelyhood. The survial of the Coastal First Nation people would be put in jeopardy if there was an oil spill. "One major oil spill on the coast of British Columbia would wipe us out," Coastal First Nations director Gerald Amos
Opinion / Reflection:
I don’t think that Canada should endanger the lives of plants, animals and people to ship oil to other countries. The people who profit from the sale of the oil are not the people who will suffer if there is an spill. The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should be a warning to Canadians about the devastation that an oil spill can cause. Why would they want to risk harming a protected rainforest?
1.How many barrels of oil dose the pipeline move a day?
2. Name one plant found in the Great Bear Rainforest?
3.what contry is this taking place?


  1. I think that the only thing that should be done, is the whole operation should be stopped. It's horrible the way these people are just blatantly putting Canadian creatures at risk. I hope that someone will get through these people and they'll see the harm that they're doing.

    1.) 525,000
    2.) red cedars

  2. This is a horrible idea. We have already seen what has happened with oil rigs and pies in the gulf why harm another major area? If there is so many risks in doing this why then should this be carried on? I feel that this could endanger rare species and humans and its not worth it just to have oil. We can find other ways to get energy sources without putting important things in danger.

    1. 525000
    2. spruce
    3. Canada

    here is a picture of the rare white "spirit bear"

  3. Even with a huge oil disaster, it looks as though people are still willing to transport oil through protected areas just for the money. The oil company itself is putting everything in the path of this oil pipe in danger. This idea tells everyone that one oil company is willing to destroy endangered areas just for the profit. There should be a law on oil pipes around forests.

    1. 525,000 barrels
    2. Sitka Spruce
    3. Canada

  4. I don't think that the oil companies should be able to do things like this. It is horrible just thinking about what will happen to the animals and the wild life in this habatit. If the pipeline ever leaks it will wipe out all of the organisms and we will have another gulf oil spill. They definantly should not put this pipeline into the water.

    1.525,000 barrels
    2.Sitka Spruce

  5. I can't believe some people will do anything for a "quick buck." Harming innocent creatures is something no one should do, expecially if it is because of money. They should stop this now, and should not put the pipeline into the water.

    1.525,000 barrels
    2.Sitka Spruce
