Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coral Reefs In Danger?

Because of the extreme heat of late, a lot of things have been in danger. But one that might see very horrible measures is coral reefs, home of millions of sea life. You can tell when reefs are in danger when they shed or bleach to white into survival mode. But this has only been the second worldwide bleaching of coral reefs, and the last time was in 1996, the hottest year in recordThey are early sign for climate changes, and so far they haven't been wrong yet. All of coral is made of up of tiny animals called polyps and have a special relationship with algae. They are important to our ecosystems and could be catastrophic if they end up dying. Whole populations of people rely on reef fish for food. Though most coral reefs can make a comeback if the temperature goes down, but if the climate rise continues, then there may be no going back.

I think this is so horrible! Look how global warming is effecting us. The only way we could help the coral is to slow global warming. I wonder if there's anything the scientists are doing. I think that corals are really pretty and helping the ecosystems a lot. Hopefully this will all be worked out some time.

1.) What happens to the coral in extreme heat?
2.)When was the last time coral started dying?
3.)What animals make up coral?
4.)Do you think coral has a chance?


  1. This is so sad. Such beautiful creatures being hurt because of our wrongdoing. If these majestic creatures die out, many fish may be left without a home, and will in turn, also begin to die out because of the lack of protection from predators.

    1. They bleach themselves.
    2. 1996
    3. Algae and Polyps
    4. If the temperature loweres, then yes.

  2. I always forget that coral is living. It seems to me as a regular plant but it actually is like a real animal. I had no idea about the coral bleaching and i wonder if tere is anyway we can pervent it. Is it possible for us to control the temperature so these coral's don't bleach?

    1. The coral bleaches and turns white
    3. tiny animals called polypus that have a relationship with algea.
    4. I think coral does have a chance because our temperatures are not always so extreme so this will not happen that often.

  3. I also think that this is an aweful thing that is happening. To e honest I never knew that coral was an animal until now. It really is sad to see this happen but I feel like we can not control what is happening to these colorful animals. I guess all we can do is wait and hope that they get their color back.

    I have found an article on coral reefs and how they are disapperaing:

  4. This is only the second worldwide bleaching, so who knows whether or not this is a rising problem or not, though Global Warming may be an extra factor in this. Let's hope that the temperatures cool down soon so the coral reefs do not die off and survive.

    1. The coral turns into "survival mode" and they shed and become a white color.
    3. Polyps and algae
    4. My opinion on this is that the temperature will lower quickly and that the coral will survive.

  5. The bleaching and shedding of the coral reefs is a very bad thing, however we have known that global warming is changing the environment. This is just one more reminder that we need to be working very hard to reverse our impact on the environment. We have to find a way to reverse global warming.
    1)The coral bleach themseves and turn white when they are in survival mode.
    3)Coral is made up of tiny animals known as polyps that have a special relationship with algae.
    4)Probably not, because even to slow the climate change would take alot of time and money, and we probably don't have enough time left to save them.
