Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fertile Cresant Not So Fertile?

In Syria there's a place where most of agriculture started. Where farming really took roots. But lately, the old ways are dying out. There's been a huge drought in that area that's actually spreading towards Iraq. The ancient irrrigation systems are failing after so long, the animals that are grazing are dying and “I had 400 acres of wheat, and now it’s all desert,” said Ahmed Abdullah, 48, who is now homeless and living scantily with his wife and twelve (whoa) kids. Though, admittedly, its from human misuse as it is from drought. The Syrian and Iraqian government is in a lot of trouble because they have to import a lot of their food. And meanwhile Iraq is war ravaged and are facing a water crisis that is almost unheard of. They complain that the Euphrates is being dammed by Turkey and is causing bad tension. Two million to three million people are deep into poverty and its a very sad condition. The Syrians are very touchy about the subject but has acknoledged that they need help and has developed a drought plan. There has been a large increase in illegal water drills, that's how dire the situation is.

This is a very dire situation that cannot be taken lightly. The Syrians are stuck between a rock and a hard place and can't seem to dig themselves out. Hopefully maybe the US will get out of Iraq and realize that they're already in danger from mother nature. If I had enough money, I would probably donate money to their cause.


  1. Its really sad to think that one of the the ancientirrigation systems are failling so badly. These irrigation systems were the begining of this system and it is what we are able to look back on and learn from mistakes and learn what is right. I do believe most of this is happening because of drought but I also believe it is also the peoples falts for why they are doing so bad. Along with this their country is going through a war and it is really sad to see people go through this poverty. Like Brianna said I hope the US and Irag stop fighting so each country can take care of themselves and maybe even later help each other.

    Here is a picture of Irag's irrigation system.

  2. I had never heard of this drought in Syria and Iraq before. The odd part of this is that lately we have paid a lot of attention to the misfortune and the events which affect the people in the Middle East, but apparently not to the plight of the farmers. The bad thing about the farm land that is turning into desert is that in the Middle East, land which turns to desert tends to stay desert. Hopefully, someone will help them drill new wells, so they can continue to grow food, and earn a living as a farmer. Also, someone has to step in to stop Turkey from damming the river, and taking another countries water.


  3. I never knew about this. And in the fertile crescent too. 400 acres of wheat disappearing, with just a desert left in its place. That must be a hard life to live, especially with 12 children. Maybe the US will try and help Iraq a little by creating new irrigation systems providing food for them. And even creating illegal wells to get water. It must be tough to have almost no water and not receive any help from other countries when it is needed.

    If Turkey is blocking water to Iraq, how come no one is doing anything about it?
    And is Turkey really blocking the river?
    Is anyone helping Iraq at the moment?
    Is there a fine on illegal wells?

  4. This is very worrysome. Many people will be out of food, water, and jobs because of this drought. I guess nothing is ever permanant, which is the case of the [not so] Fertile Crescent. The area the Fertile Crescent encompases is HUGE! If if all depletes, the people living near/on it will be in big trouble.

  5. I think that it is always sad when a country has a drought because it will be harder to get water. Also, this is sad because they live in such a dry place to begin with so it must be even harder for them. This is also going to be affecting their economy because by the looks of it they have a big wheat business. Who knew that the fretile cresant couldn't be to fertile.

