Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Fifth of the World's Invertbrates at Risk of Extinction

Because of the overwhelming demand for produce and other agricultural products, the animals that live is these areas will have to be looking for a new home. While soem might be able to find a new home most will die in the process. Each year the animal moves closer and closer to becoming exinct. They are being impacted by agricultural expansion, logging, over-exploitation and invasive alien species. Southeast Asia is being impacted the most because of and increase in palm oil farms, timber operations, and rice crops.

Just because some of the animals are being effected negativatly, some have shown signs of improvement, the California Condor, and the black footed ferret have all shown signs of growth in population.

To me this is a very horrible thing that is happening. We should not be taking these animals homes away from them just because we want to make more food. There should be certain areas where they are not allowed to use, this way the animals will have places to live instead of them just dying.


1. Who is being affected by the impacts of the expansion of agriculture?

2. Who is benefiting from this?

3. Who was hit the hardest?

4. What are some species that are benefiting or growing in size?


  1. I agree with lauren that we need to step up and stop the destruction of these animals homes. We as a whole are thinking way to much about food source and lumber and not relizing that we need to keep these endagered species alive. If we keep destructing habitats and building more things for us in the later years animals that we normaly see and hear about could be gone. I was shocked to hear that South east asia was having most of the trouble with the enangered species because I wouldn't think alot of habitats would be ruined there. I wanted to lear more about the palm oil farms and this link was a good scource. http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y4355e/y4355e03.htm

    1. endangered animals and their habitats
    2. humans are benifiting from the production we make from doing this
    3. South east asia
    4. California Condor, and the black footed ferret

  2. In my opinion this is terrible but I also really don't want to give up the American "cheap" eating life style. Also, we need to keep agricultural jobs to help keep our econamy up.
    1.Animals that live in agricultural areas and where timbering is being done.
    2.Farmers, and the public who benefit from cheaper prices for food when there is more produced.
    3.The animals of Southeast Asia
    4.The California Condor and the black footed ferret.

  3. This probably happens a lot, but since the efficiency of agriculture is going up, these actions may not be needed as much. There are many wildlife reserves around the world, so some animals are protected, but endangered species are getting even more rare if they live on areas that may be used as farming land. But also, agriculture is needed. Without it, we would not be here in the first place.

    1. Animals that live in areas suitable for agriculture.
    2. Farmers getting the area for agriculture.
    3. Southeast Asia.
    4. California Candor and the Black footed Ferrey

  4. i feel like its not only these types of animals this happens to, that there are a lot of animals that need out help also. You would think there is someone that can really make a difference in this day and age but i guess not. But is there a large organization that can help, I wonder?

  5. This is very sad, although our growing population demands it. With the expansion we are goin through, many animals will, unfortunatly, lose homes. The worst part is, we would be the cause of their extinction(worst case scenario, mind you)
    1. Animals living on areas that can be cultivated
    2. Farmers looking for agricultural areas
    3. Southeast Asia
    4. The California Condor and Black-footed Farret
